Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 18th, 2013 5:18 PM

Incoming Call - Wife:  "I know everything, I know you slept with her."

I then had one of the hardest days of my life, well at least I thought so at the time.  I picked up the children and went home to an empty house.  Going through the motions of parenthood without her, my wife for nearly ten years.  I waited by anxiously by my phone, after I tucked the kids in.  She was courteous enough to reply back to my texts.  We are to be apart, and rightfully so.  I have devastated her and caused the biggest blow to the ego you could endure.  I pursued and eventually slept with another woman.

I willingly involved myself, lied, and gave an outsider more attention than my family, but why? Why would I sabotage myself? Am I that unhappy?
